GNSS Foresight

Know in advance where and when GNSS will be reliable

GNSS Foresight from Spirent

GNSS Foresight

Know in advance where and when GNSS will be reliable

Enabling safe and reliable autonomous navigation using GNSS

Situational awareness is key to autonomous operations. Knowing where and when your system will perform enables optimized mission planning, increased availability, and greater safety and reliability.

Spirent’s GNSS Foresight utilizes high-definition maps and precise orbital modeling to deliver actionable data on where and when your GNSS-enabled system will perform, enabling you to optimize your beyond line-of-sight AV (autonomous vehicles) and UAS (unmanned aerial systems) operations.

  • GNSS Foresight delivers crucial operational information for beyond visual line-of-sight operations, drawing on …
    • Trusted satellite orbit models
    • High-definition 3D maps
    • The industry’s leading signal environment computation engine
  • Data output from GNSS Foresight can be integrated with user systems to deliver optimized mission planning, reduced risk, increased reliability, and regulatory compliance.
Risk analysis
  • Risk Analysis aggregates GNSS forecasts to provide best case, worst case, and 90th percentile predictions in a specified area.
  • Delivered as data, a heatmap, analysis, and report, this can be used as part of a CONOPS.
Forecast service
  • The Forecast Service enables flight in challenging environments by calculating GNSS availability for every meter, every second, from 1-100 meters altitude, for up to three days into the future.
  • Access data in real-time via our API.
Key benefits
  • Safety & reliability
    • GNSS Foresight utilizes high-definition maps and precise orbital modeling to deliver actionable data on where and when your GNSS-enabled system will perform, enabling you to optimize your beyond line-of-sight AV and UAS operations.
  • Route selection
    • Using our precise modeling, users can plan a route with the best GNSS availability, ensuring positioning precision at every point. This optimized planning enables you to save time and deliver consistently, gaining the greatest return on your investment in autonomous technology.
  • Performance improvement
    • Satellites are in constant motion, meaning GNSS signal availability changes continuously. With GNSS Foresight, users can accurately predict where and when their systems will have line of sight to the most satellites, enabling delivery of the best possible service.
GNSS Foresight forecasting service for UAV and UAS

Achieving Reliable GNSS Performance for Autonomous UAS navigation

How GNSS reliability forecasting brings the possibility of BVLOS flight closer

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GNSS Positioning in Urban Areas A Key Technical Challenge for Drones and Self Driving Cars

Reliable GNSS Positioning in Urban Areas: A Key Technical Challenge for Drones and Self-Driving Cars

Signal reception is one of the big technological challenges of the modern age. Today, it’s mostly thought of as a telecoms issue. If someone complains that their smartphone has ‘lost reception’, they’re most likely referring to a loss of cellular signal. And the chances are it’s because they’re in a rural location, far from any […]

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eBook GNSS foresight for autonomous vehicles

Enabling Reliable GNSS Performance for Autonomous Vehicles

Navigate safely in urban and built-up areas with GNSS forecasting for Level 2 to Level 5 vehicles

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