

CRPA Adaptive Antennas Drone Anechoic Chamber

White Paper

Characterizing CRPAs and Other Adaptive Antennas

Use the PNT X to test CRPAs and other advanced antenna designs

May 2024

Latency for hardware in the loop HIL testing

White Paper

Understanding Latency for Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing

A GNSS receiver is typically part of a complex system of sensors, actuators, software applications, and algorithms, therefore developers need to ensure that an integrated product continues to meet standalone performance parameters. One key method employed is hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing. This white paper discusses the different approaches to HIL testing, and how latency impacts the […]

Mar 2024

GPS Threats

White Paper

Fundamentals of GPS Threats

How the growing threats to satellite navigation signals can impact your critical systems, and what to do about it.

Mar 2023

GNSS Spoofing with Spirent Federal

White Paper


How to evaluate the risks to safety-critical and liability-critical systems

Jan 2022

GPS GNSS Record Playback

White Paper

Future Trends in GPS/GNSS Record & Playback Testing

Latest trends in field testing and benefits of record & playback approach

Mar 2021

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