CRPA & Anechoic Chamber Testing

Controlled reception pattern antenna simulation

CRPA Anechoic Chamber Test

CRPA & Anechoic Chamber Testing

Controlled reception pattern antenna simulation

Stuart Smith, Senior Manager, Strategic Marketing, from Spirent Communications, gives a product demonstration of the GSS9000 wavefront simulator for Multi-Element CRPA testing. This video is a 5-minute preview; view the full 25-minute product demo here

CRPA Test System

Spirent’s Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) Test System generates both GNSS and interference signals with a separate RF output per CRPA antenna element. Users can control multiple antenna elements. Null-steering and space/time adaptive CRPA testing are both supported by this comprehensive approach. Read latest blog on CRPA testing: Achieve High-Performance GNSS Simulation in the Lab with Spirent.

Learn more about CRPA Test System

Powered by the unrivaled GSS9000 Series simulator, Spirent’s ground-breaking over-the-air GNSS test solution, the zoned chamber, enables both static and dynamic test scenarios

Anechoic Chamber Testing

Spirent’s GSS9790 Multi-Output, Multi-GNSS RF Constellation Wave-Front Simulator System is a development of the GSS9000. The GSS9790 is a unique solution providing the core element for GNSS applications that require a test system that can be used in both conducted (lab) and radiated (chamber) conditions.

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CRPA Adaptive Antennas Drone Anechoic Chamber

Characterizing CRPAs and Other Adaptive Antennas

Use the PNT X to test CRPAs and other advanced antenna designs

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GSS9790 Simulation Product


Multi-GNSS RF constellation wavefront simulator

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Adaptive Antennas Jamming Spoofing

Challenges of Testing Adaptive GNSS Antennas for Jamming and Spoofing Protection

NOTE: This blog is a summary of a webinar presented with DLR on Wednesday 18th November 2020. You can access the on-demand webinar here. The GNSS threat landscape is evolving, and sophisticated new techniques are needed to protect GNSS-reliant equipment against RF threat sources such as jamming and spoofing. One such technique is adaptive antenna technology. […]

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