
Multi-Output, Multi-GNSS Wavefront Simulator System

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Multi-Output, Multi-GNSS Wavefront Simulator System

Multi-output, multi-GNSS wavefront simulator system

The GSS9790 is a development of Spirent’s GSS9000 Series platform for testing Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) systems, spatial testing of single-antenna devices, and as part of real-world-time-synchronized indoor GNSS implementations.

Combined with SimGEN, the GSS9790 creates a powerful test platform for over-the-air wavefront testing with incorporated angle of arrival.

  • Multiple RF outputs per unit, with both composite output and single-SV-per-output testing
  • Choose between composite and individual output modes for conducted and over-the-air testing
  • Supports all combinations of current GNSS constellations and frequencies
  • SimREMOTE – powerful remote command functionality
  • 2 kHz update rate
  • 120 km/s relative velocity
  • 193 km/s2 relative acceleration
  • 890 km/s3 relative jerk
  • 60π rad/s angular rate
  • 0.3 mm RMS pseudorange accuracy
  • <0.005 Rad RMS Phase Noise
  • Sophisticated auto-calibration capability – ensuring extremely tight alignment of signal timing and power

Purpose-built hardware and powerful software enable the GSS9790 to maintain all specifications, as well as zero-effective latency, under all test conditions. Performance specifications are externally verified.

  • Designed to support Spirent’s patented zoned chamber approach
  • Combine multiple systems seamlessly
  • Access the full range of SimGEN features

Spirent’s SimGEN is the most powerful tool available to test and development teams, trusted and verified by top experts in the PNT industry. Running on the GSS9790 signal generator, SimGEN offers the highest capabilities, with patented technology for DDS (direct digital synthesis) of GNSS signals.

CRPA Test System

CRPA Test System

Controlled reception pattern antenna wavefront testing

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Adaptive Antennas Jamming Spoofing

Challenges of Testing Adaptive GNSS Antennas for Jamming and Spoofing Protection

NOTE: This blog is a summary of a webinar presented with DLR on Wednesday 18th November 2020. You can access the on-demand webinar here. The GNSS threat landscape is evolving, and sophisticated new techniques are needed to protect GNSS-reliant equipment against RF threat sources such as jamming and spoofing. One such technique is adaptive antenna technology. […]

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