


Spoofing Product Demonstration

April 29, 2021

spoofing product demonstration screenshot

Signal spoofing is transmitting fake GNSS signals to force a receiver into reporting an inaccurate time and position. Spoofing incidents have increased rapidly, making spoofing a growing threat to mission-critical operations. An integral part of our focus at Spirent Federal is to stay ahead of the constantly-evolving threats to PNT data, of which spoofing is a particularly concerning example.

This 11-minute product demonstration video will explain

  • the concept of spoofing
  • Spirent’s multi-copy constellation feature that allows up to 10 copies of any licensed constellation to be simulated—each with full manipulation of parameters via the signal sources files
  • the “n-vehicle to 1RF” feature allows multiple vehicles (trajectories) to be simulated at 1 RF output where a spoofed trajectory is deliberately introduced with the intention of deceiving a receiver under test to follow a different course

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