


Enabling Reliable GNSS Performance for Autonomous Vehicles

September 20, 2021


eBook GNSS foresight for autonomous vehicles

The automotive world is moving towards a future in which more vehicles operate more autonomously more of the time. That promises many benefits: from improved road safety to lower carbon emissions, and new mobility options for millions of people.

Almost all autonomous vehicles are equipped with a GNSS receiver for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT). However, GNSS is often deprioritized in favor of more complex sensors because of its unpredictable reliability in urban and built-up areas due to intermittent signal obscuration.If there was a way of making GNSS coverage more predictable in built-up areas, it would open many new possibilities for developers, users and operators of autonomous vehicles.In this eBook, Spirent looks at what causes the problem, and why existing solutions designed to improve GNSS performance don’t fully address it. We’ll then introduce GNSS Foresight, a solution that addresses the reliability issue.For more information on Spirent’s GNSS Foresight solution, view product page.

Download the eBook

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