

Press Release

Spirent GNSS Simulator Enhanced with Unrivaled Update Rate and Interference Testing Capabilities

March 23, 2021

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Rocket Unrivaled Update Rate

PLEASANT GROVE, Utah–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Spirent Federal Systems, the nation’s leading provider of positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) test solutions, announces several new enhancements to its GSS9000 Series constellation simulator that benefit the U.S. military and prime government contractors. These enhancements offer unrivaled precision and realism in global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signal simulation.

The first enhancement is a doubling of the software and hardware update rate to 2 kHz: a 2 kHz simulation iteration rate provides GSS9000 users with the ability to improve accuracy of simulated trajectories without compromising performance. This is of particular benefit to military high-dynamic applications, such as space missions and hypersonic or spinning vehicles, such as missiles. A high-rate iteration of the simulation motion models and pseudorange calculations is needed to allow determination of spin rotational direction. The GSS9000 now supports execution of these calculations against current scenario run-time at .5 millisecond intervals.

“The 2 kHz simulation iteration rate provides significant benefits to Spirent Federal’s U.S. government customers,” said Roger Hart, Director of Engineering for Spirent Federal. “With effectively zero latency for hardware-in-the-loop simulation, our customers are positioned for success in their ultra-high-dynamic applications. This level of accuracy is unmatched in the industry.”

Multi-faceted interference testing enhancements now give the GSS9000 even greater power and flexibility. Extended interference ground transmitter (GTx) capabilities allow larger or denser jamming fields to be produced. Spirent has increased the carrier offset range from ±5 to ±25 MHz to support interference testing on wide spectrum signals, increased bandwidth resolution and repetition rates, and added variable bandwidth control on additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The GSS9000 supports Blue Force Electronic Attack (BFEA) jamming waveforms, allowing users to create scenarios to test military GPS user equipment (MGUE) TRD (technical requirements document) threshold and objective requirements. Additionally, a new advanced spoofing feature supports repeaters/meaconing; spoofer transmitters can now be enabled as ground-based repeaters.

“Our jamming and spoofing simulation enhancements underscore Spirent’s commitment to be first to provide new capabilities to our customers, so as military PNT equipment evolves, our customers’ testing can stay ahead of that evolution,” stated Jennifer Smith, Spirent Federal’s Director of Business Development. “These interference GTx capabilities add to our already-robust MNSA M-code test environments to greatly benefit MGUE developers and integrators.”

The third enhancement is an extended scenario duration of 65 days. In a simulation environment, where control and repeatability are key for a realistic representation of the mission, reducing the number of user inputs is essential. The new update will use the same initial conditions for the simulation throughout the duration of testing to deliver uninterrupted high-performance simulation.

The enhancements to the Spirent GSS9000 series will be available to new and existing customers at the beginning of Q2, 2021. For more information, visit the GSS9000 Series product page.

About Spirent Federal Systems

Spirent Federal Systems was formed in July 2001 by Spirent Communications as a wholly owned subsidiary and U.S. proxy company. Spirent Federal markets and sells Spirent Communications' products in North America. The company also provides value-added features and ongoing customer support. Spirent Federal Systems is headquartered in Pleasant Grove, UT, with support and sales offices throughout the US. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

About Spirent

Spirent Communications plc. (LSE: SPT) is the leading global provider of automated test and assurance solutions for networks, cybersecurity, and positioning. The company provides innovative products, services and managed solutions that address the test, assurance and automation challenges of a new generation of technologies, including 5G, SD-WAN, cloud, autonomous vehicles and beyond. From the lab to the real world, Spirent helps companies deliver on their promise to their customers of a new generation of connected devices and technologies. For more information, please visit and follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

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